In The Absence of Light 

As Black  
And as Beautiful  
As the night sky on a country road in the spring time  

That peaceful place where the blinding glare from those “big city” lights no longer hide the beauty of the world as God meant it to be seen  

Surrounded by a Blackness so total, and deep that sight as a sense becomes irrelevant  
And the remaining senses come vibrantly alive and illuminate a world where Darkness is truly magnificent  

Where a man can smell the bouquet of newly blooming flowers  
Taste the fresh flavor of the clean air around him  
Hear the flow of the breeze from the flap of the nighthawk’s wings  

A special place,  
where he can hear his heart’s beat  

And can hear himself think  

As he revels in the feel of the comforting touch of the night  
as the absence of light surrounds him  

Cradling him gently  
Like a Mother’s Love

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