I can write and I can lift. I write about love and fear and concern or confusion and the way that I wish I had more or had grown up differently. It’s what I do.
I hear it, I see it, I think and feel it, and I write it. Putting what’s in my head onto paper is one thing I do. One of the things that I must do.
Oh yeah, and I lift weights.
Lots of them.
Or cars or pipes or rocks or stones or trees.
Why? Because I have to. It’s in my blood and in my bones. It’s one of the times when I truly come fully to life.
I am a writer. I am a strong man. I am one of the best at both these things.
They are my “gifts”. I can’t say for certain that the way I am in other ares of my life is the way God would like me to be; but I am certain that the things I am best at are things He put into me.
i am quite strong. I am good with words. I’m a decent shot, but I know enough people who are better that I don’t consider marksmanship to be one of my “gifts”.
My skill with words impresses me even though, or maybe because of the fact that, I spend enough time reading to be able to recognize sweetness and swill.
I am not Countee Cullen, Rudyard Kipling, Saul Williams, or Langston Hughes. And I do have my moments of pompousness and unnecessary crypticness. However, I usually come across quite well.
Personally, I feel that my strength is my real calling. It is the area where I’m most comfortable and least unsure of myself or my standing in relation to other men.
I can lift, move, and carry objects that many men only look at before shaking their heads in defeat. I can create exercises or workout to accomplish a specific goal with ease. When I put myself into a workout, I develop in ways that often surpass those who utilize chemical assistance.
I am not the strongest man in the world. Or even the strongest person I know. But the people I know who are my physical superiors, actually are the strongest people in the United States.
I may not be the best. But I am definitely good.
I am a man with gifts. Not always the best man. And, sometimes, not even a good man. But a man for certain. Human and fully aware of my flaws.
But I do make it a point to not neglect the things that I believe God put in me as my personal presents from Him.