In the beginning, there was sex
The sex was good. And the sex was plentiful.
As a result, our attraction to and desire for each other grew stronger.
For a time, the sex maintained its pace. Our connection remained strong and we decided to explore other types and levels of bonding.
I liked the thought of that.
I too, was eager to see how well our relationship could grow in other areas.
But as other areas gained in strength, my woman chose to relegate sex to a position of lesser importance.
The loss of sex was totally unexpected. I honestly had no clue that was coming. I had no idea that growing with her entailed giving up the sex I so greatly enjoyed.
When I noticed
And commented
She said that it was a normal part of growth.
I was kind of attached to her by then, so I went along with it even though I damn sure had no desire to do so. I mistakenly thought this change was only temporary. If only my black ass had known!
My thoughts on growth involved adding to and building upon whatever we started with.
Like how a five foot tall boy grows and becomes a six foot tall man.
Her way?
Her way sucks!
Her way makes the original five feet go away and leaves a fully formed one foot tall person floating five feet above the ground.
What the Hell?
What just happened?
My way.
Growth involves an increase upon what already existed.
Her way calls for a strange substitution that leaves far less than what was originally there.
All roof. No foundation or walls.
The loss of our existing foundation hurt our development tremendously.
Because my woman’s theory was not based on the improvement principle, the sex went away. It was replaced by some things that were nowhere near as much fun and carried none of the importance to me that she said they should have.
Tried to explain my position.
She said that I was selfish and immature.
Our relationship is definitely on a different plane now.
It is more mental than physical.
I think more about sex. She thinks everything is fine.
It is more obligation and responsibility than enjoyment and desire
She calls it growth.
I think yeah,like a fungus.
I call it dead.
And it now stinks.
Neither of us will bury the thing.
We both choose to live with it.
So we both shoulder any blame